PCB007 Magazine


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Contents of this Issue


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6 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 SHORTS An Ink for 3D-printing Flexible Devices Without Mechanical Joints Lighting Up the Future Quantum Breakthrough: Engineering the World's Purest Silicon How a Tiny Device Could Lead to Big Physics Discoveries and Better Lasers A New, Low-cost, High-efficiency Photonic Integrated Circuit DEPARTMENTS Career Opportunities Educational Resources Advertiser Index & Masthead COLUMNS Changing Leadership and Three Years of Advocacy in D.C. by Travis Kelly Chemical and Equipment Control of High-density Circuits by Don Ball The Analog Computer by Happy Holden INTERVIEWS Overcoming Workforce Challenges, From Onboarding to Upskilling with David Hernandez Shane Whiteside Appointed as New PCBAA Chair Tom Edman Leads IPC Board of Directors ARTICLES Expansion and Growth: You Can't Do It Alone by Prashant Patel Pushing the Limits of PCB Impedance Control by Alex Knowles HIGHLIGHTS MilAero007 Top Ten from PCB007 60 70 88 38 46 74 52 82 58 92 36 45 56 68 73 95 102 103 JUNE 2024 • ADDITIONAL CONTENT 52 38

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