PCB007 Magazine


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46 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Marcy LaRont: Shane, what are your ambitions as chair of PCBAA? Shane Whiteside: Marcy, I've been elected to a two-year term. My ambition as PCBAA chair is to apply my industry experience to the stra- tegic direction of the association. I intend to build on the solid foundation and vision that Travis Kelly established for the association. We will continue the "Educate, Advocate and Leg- islate" framework, which has proven to be an effective method for getting our issues recog- nized, understood, and acted on. In the years ahead, we must continue to grow our membership and expand our out- Shane Whiteside Appointed as New PCBAA Chair Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 Summit Interconnect President and CEO Shane Whiteside was recently appointed as chair of the Printed Circuit Board Association of America (PCBAA), replacing Travis Kelly, CEO of Isola Group. Shane's distinguished career in PCB manufacturing and leadership spans several decades, so this new role lends itself well to PCBAA's mission as an impor- tant advocacy vehicle for the PCB industry. e association has been instrumental in edu- cating and influencing Washington, D.C., on what security in the electronics supply chain in America truly looks like and that it goes far beyond chips.

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