PCB007 Magazine


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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 arrived at our current situation and how we can learn from our mistakes to build a more robust and effective manufacturing workforce for the future. Marcy LaRont: What are the main workforce challenges today? David Hernandez: One of the most difficult and urgent challenges facing the electronics industry is a chronic shortage of adequately skilled workers. Electronics manufacturers globally report that their growth is constrained by an inability to recruit, onboard, retain, and upskill workers. Overcoming Workforce Challenges from Onboarding to Upskilling Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 Everyone seems to be talking about work- force and staffing, but aer the pandemic, staff- ing for manufacturing jobs became an even greater challenge. In April, IPC published a white paper, "Building Electronics Better: A Plan to Address the Workforce Challenges Fac- ing the Electronics Manufacturing Industry." e paper addresses myriad issues surround- ing workforce recruitment, development, and retention while outlining a specific approach to tackle these challenges. IPC Vice President of Education David Her- nandez was one of three authors of the white paper. In this interview, he explains how we

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