PCB007 Magazine


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88 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Although computer technology has taken enormous leaps, including HPC machines that now exceed the exascale limits, the ana- log computer is making its comeback. I had the fortune to learn about and program ana- log computers and programs in early 1966. e various analog computers came into their The Analog Computer own dur ing World War II to calculate ar tiller y trajector ies and for bombsights ( Figure 1a, the Norden Bombsight). Their use continued to grow, and every major aeronautical design and manufacturer, as well as university, had them in the 1950s and 1960s (Figure 1b). Happy's Tech Talk #30 by Happy Holden, I-CONNECT007 Figure 1: a) The famous Norden bombsight was a very accurate and novel analog computer; b) The EAI PACE TR-48 analog computer (1962) with 48 operational amplifiers was a favorite for university work. (Source: Wikipedia) a b

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