PCB007 Magazine


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Contents of this Issue


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4 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 FEATURE ARTICLES Building Resilient Supply Chains by Mark Goodwin Mustaches and Automation in Flexible PCB Fabrication by Chris Clark FEATURE COLUMNS All Things Material by Marcy LaRont Materials for PWB Fabrication: Drillability and Metallization by Mike Carano JUNE 2024 • FEATURED CONTENT Materials management is nuanced, multifaceted, and requires a holistic systems approach for business success. Beyond supply management, panel utilization and handling are crit- ically important yield considerations. When building high mix, low volume, and high tech- nology, materials management and overall cost containment are even greater challenges. Materials Management 16 30 64 64 76 8 24 FEATURE INTERVIEWS The Critical Role of Materials with Anaya Vardya Beyond Prepreg: The 'Glassless Revolution' with Alun Morgan Non-RF High-Speed Materials Continue to Advance with Ed Kelley 10 16 30

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