PCB007 Magazine


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74 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 Interview by Marcy LaRont I-CONNECT007 IPC elected several new board members at IPC APEX EXPO in April, including new Board Chair Tom Edman, CEO of TTM, who assumes the role from Bob Neves, CTO and chair of Microtek Laboratories. Tom and TTM have long been active in many facets of IPC. I caught up with Tom and asked him about his new board appointment, IPC, and the indus- try he serves. He emphasizes IPC's work in standards and advocacy as especially impor- tant for our industry. Tom, from your perspective, what does it mean to chair the IPC Board? What is your role, and how long is your term? My term is for two years. I am thrilled to be chair at this exciting time with IPC as the orga- nization continues its work on behalf of elec- tronics manufacturers. e vision for the orga- nization will continue to allow IPC to build on its foundation of standards development while strengthening key areas such as workforce development, policy representation, sustain- ability, and design. Why is involvement in IPC important for indus- try companies? What would you tell someone who may be considering membership? I would explain the critical role that IPC plays in representing our industry and the direct help that IPC provides with critical industry stan- dards, training materials, funding opportuni- ties, policy support, and networking oppor- tunities, among other benefits, all with a com- petitive dues structure. e breadth of IPC's global capabilities is astounding to me and has served to benefit TTM as well as so many other electronics manufacturers. As a leader and ambassador for IPC over these next two years, what are your goals? Frankly, my goal is to aid John Mitchell and the other executives at IPC in implementing a growth strategy that is truly impressive. John and the team have the support of an engaged and energetic board in realizing their goals. We just need to support these goals in any way possible. What advice do you have from a leadership and strategy standpoint for small business owners who may be trying to decide whether to participate in the next evolution of PCB fabrication? I would suggest that we all have a role to play in supporting our customers. As our custom- ers move to new designs that require increased capabilities, I believe that everyone in the industry will benefit by investing strategically in capabilities that enhance their growth. New designs will coexist with older designs, which, hopefully, will offer all of us profitable oppor- tunities. PCB007

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