PCB007 Magazine


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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 halls of Congress, in the think tank commu- nity, and in the news media that follows the intersection of politics and technology. How- ever, much work remains to be done. e environment we find ourselves in is dominated by the semiconductor industry. is is both a benefit and a liability. e ben- efit is that as a result of the lobbying the semi- conductor industry did, the CHIPS Act was passed and put a spotlight on microelectronics. e liability has been that chips absorbed most of that spotlight and, importantly, the funding. is is frustrating because we all know that "chips don't float." To fully support the broader microelectronics position of the United States, we need to have more domestic manufacturing of the entire stack, not just chips. is month, my term as chair of PCBAA ended, and I turned over those responsibili- ties to Shane Whiteside, CEO of Summit Inter- connect. It has been my honor to serve as chair. From the beginning, when we had only five founding members, to more than 60 today, we have representation from companies and indi- viduals in manufacturing, assembly, and mate- rials. I look forward to working with Shane in his new role and know that PCBAA will benefit from his many years of leadership experience. Becoming Known in Washington Creating and launching an organization has been exciting and challenging. Because of our supportive members and talented staff, we are fighting our way into the conversation in the Changing Leadership and Three Years of Advocacy in D.C. American Made Advocacy by Travis Kelly, PCBAA

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