PCB007 Magazine


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info @ atotech.com www.atotech.com Transform your production with InPro ® SAP3 To find out more on InPro ® SAP3, scan the QR Code to the right. InPro ® SAP3 – The revolu onary BMV filling process designed for insoluble anode VCP systems with unmatched uniformity With InPro ® SAP3, MKS' Atotech sets a new standard for BMV filling in insoluble anode VCP systems. The process provides customers with superior copper filling performance, fast throughput, and consistent results even in demanding environments with current densities up to 3 A /dm². The unmatched rectan gular line shape and copper uniformity has been proven in volume production at leading packaging substrate manufacturers. Try InPro ® SAP3 now and increase your throughput and performance in vertical conveyorized package substrate plating systems.

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