PCB007 Magazine


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JUNE 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 93 Dovetail joints are an ele- gant and effective way to create a corner joint between two pieces of wood. Done well, dove- tail joints don't require any fasteners, often get by without any glue, and the joint can with- stand loads in nearly all directions. The dovetail interface itself seems simultane- ously simple and complex. Mr. Michael Gasch died on May 24, 2024, at the age of 78 after a short, serious illness. Known and appreciated far beyond the European electronics industry, Mr. Gasch initially worked at DYNAMIT NOBEL AG from 1971 to 1988, including 11 years as sales manager for electrical melting products in Troisdorf and 6 years as managing director and regional representative for Southeast Asia at DYNAMIT NOBEL Singapore. IPC APEX EXPO 2024 will soon feel like a dis- tant memory, and by all accounts, it was a good show with an impressive display of techni- cal knowledge. During the show, I visited with industry icons and IPC Hall of Fame recipi- ents Dan Feinberg and Gene Weiner, who were among the original visionaries and founders of what became APEX EXPO. These individuals took me on a funny and engaging historic jour- ney and a glimpse into how we arrived at today. I was in the Bay Area recently and met with my new friend Tom Yang, CEO of CEE PCB, a $450 million Chinese PCB fabricator. For too long, we have enjoyed the luxury of complaining about Chinese companies without even knowing who they are and what they do. That's just too easy. My mission was to talk to a real live shop owner in China. The electronics industry has identified the need for protection with several levels of security concerns. This is reflected when you begin a new role, and you find your- self dealing with a number of protection practices during the onboarding process to secure your new employers' intellectual property, the business, and even employ- ees' privacy and personal data. My dad is the best engineer I've ever met, and I'm not just say- ing this because we're related. He is the definition of grit, tenacity, and never being satis- fied with "I don't know." When I was in college, every call con- sisted of detailed conversations about my calcu- lus classes. He could spit out the equations as if he had just taken the classes the previous week. For the latest news and information, visit PCB007.com Remembering Michael Gasch: Europe's Foremost PCB Industry Expert Navigating Supply Chain Security and Traceability Through Standards Catching Up With Tom Yang of CEE PCB Lessons from the Best Engineer I've Ever Known The Data Brings Us Together IPC APEX EXPO Retrospective: The Founders Look Back Tom Yang

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