PCB007 Magazine


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54 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 with industry trends. ey need to keep you informed of upcoming advances in their equip- ment and products to ensure you are always aware of the next best thing. Quality and reliability: e equipment pro- vided by the vendor should be of high quality and reliable. Check for certifications, quality control processes, and track records of uptime and performance. is is critical, especially with the reduction in the number of shops in the U.S. and the migration to Asia. I am for- tunate enough to have my shop in the greater Chicago area, where there is still a significant enclave of PCB shops and vendors. Customization and flexibility: e vendor should offer customizable solutions that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your facility. Flexibility in adapting to your unique requirements is essential. is is especially true when it comes to automation equipment. It has to be adaptable enough to fit your par- ticular needs and process. e equipment sup- pliers and the automation equipment supplier also have to work together to coordinate equip- ment and automation into one smooth process system. Support and service: Look for vendors that offer comprehensive support and service, including installation, training, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Prompt and effective support is crucial for minimizing downtime. As I said earlier, a supplier, especially an equip- ment supplier, is only as good as the service and support they provide. Reputation and track record: Research the vendor's reputation in the industry. Seek ref- erences and case studies of successful col- laborations with other high-tech PCB facili- ties. is is key. I would never buy any equip- ment without checking in with someone who is already using it. Once again, we were lucky to be in Chicago, where there are so many shops, and we know so many of them. Not only can we call them, but we can also take a short ride to see the equipment in operation firsthand. Scalability: e vendor should provide solu- tions that can scale with your business growth. Ensure they can accommodate future expan- sions and technology upgrades. is was espe- cially true with us when we were building a brand-new facility and wanted to make sure that we would be able to expand and scale as needed. Financial stability: Choose a vendor with strong financial health. is ensures they will invest in their own growth and development and can continue to support you in the long term. Collaborative approach: A good vendor should be willing to collaborate closely with your team, offering expertise and insights to optimize your processes. ey should be seen as a partner rather than just a supplier. Cost and value: While cost is an important fac- tor, focus on the overall value provided by the supplier. Consider the total cost of ownership, including maintenance, support, and potential productivity gains. Prashant Patel

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