PCB007 Magazine


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80 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 structions, it is impor- tant that these charac- teristics be considered, so layer-to-layer align- ment and registration within process limits are optimized. A reputable flex cir- cuit manufacturer will review your data and drawing package while performing a design for manufacturability (DFM) review. Dur- ing this process, they will investigate your material callouts and the size and shape of your circuit. Much the way an architect would coach their client on the design of their house, guiding them in choos- ing things like its size and the placement of plumbing and electrical work, your flex fabri- cator should offer solutions to the designer or end customer by recommending proper thick- nesses and stackups, and guidance on how to keep overall product costs in check from the level of the circuit board. Talk Early, Talk Often In conclusion, it is imperative that you engage with your circuit supplier as early as possible. Once a design is finalized and released, push- ing through changes can be slow and painful. Manufacturers are the material experts for their processing and procurement needs. You have qualified and chosen them for your fabrication needs. A better understanding of your flex fab- ricator's process and trusting their expertise will help achieve the desired end for all. PCB007 Chris Clark is a senior principal applications engineer at Flexible Circuit Technology. brand of material? e smart designer would not. Potentially, over-specifying materials hampers the fabricator's panel processing abil- ity and negatively impacts the overall product cost and delivery lead times. • Cost: e manufacturers have established relationships with their raw material ven- dors. By consolidating their supply chain, they can standardize certain materials, allowing for the purchase and stocking of material types in appropriate volumes and at the most cost-effective price. • Processing: By forcing a supplier to uti- lize a very specific material they may need to develop and validate their processes to ensure the final product will meet the per- formance specifications outlined in IPC- 6013. Some of the more critical processes may be lamination parameters and stretch and shrink characteristics associated with certain product lines. When you're think- ing about multilayer and rigid-flex con-

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