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62 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2024 • Wireless connectivity: UHDI technology facilitates the integration of wireless com- munication capabilities into implantable devices, allowing for remote monitoring, programming, and data transmission. is enables healthcare providers to remotely adjust device settings, monitor patient health status in real time, and collect valu- able diagnostic data without the need for invasive procedures or clinic visits. • Integration of multiple modalities: Some medical imaging devices, such as hybrid imaging systems combining PET and MRI or CT and ultrasound, require the integra- tion of multiple imaging modalities. UHDI technology facilitates the integration of diverse electronic subsystems onto a single PCB, enabling seamless communication and synchronization between different imaging modalities. • Enhanced flexibility and scalability: UHDI allows for greater flexibility in PCB design, including the use of flexible and rigid-flex PCBs. is enables the creation of custom-shaped imaging devices that can conform to specific anatomical struc- tures or imaging requirements. Addition- ally, UHDI technology supports scalable designs, making it easier to upgrade and expand the functionality of medical imag- ing systems as new technologies emerge. Overall, while UHDI technology itself may not have direct medical applications, its capa- bilities in enabling smaller, more efficient elec- tronic systems can have significant implications for advancing medical devices and improving patient care. DESIGN007 Anaya Vardya is president and CEO of American Stan- dard Circuits; co-author of The Printed Circuit Designer's Guide to… Fundamentals of RF/ Microwave PCBs and Flex and Rigid-Flex Fundamentals. He is the author of Thermal Management: A Fabricator's Perspective and The Companion Guide to Flex and Rigid-Flex Fundamentals. Visit to download these and other free, educational titles.

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