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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 123 assembly equipment, software, and material suppliers. I remember when it was nearly a 50/50 split. There were several PCB material suppliers from Asia and the U.S. presenting new and novel materials to support the new EV and digital low-loss applications. This side of the show will need to grow signifi- cantly to support the new required North American PCB fabrication capacity. Nano Dimension sponsored a keynote address and demonstrated the integration of AME pro- duction and surface mount assembly equip- ment to create a low-volume fabrication/ assembly facility within a small footprint (a few cubicles). One of the primary advantages of the yearly IPC APEX EXPO conference is meeting colleagues, customers, competitors, and industry icons in meetings, luncheons, and hallways. It has been difficult to renew face- to-face contact since the Coronavirus days. The information quality in person is signifi- cantly enhanced over online meetings. IPC and IPC member companies presented their splendid work in developing new talent for the PCB fabrication and assembly indus- tries. We need a sizable number of newly trained employees due to the industry's increases over the ensuing years. There is a large amount of knowledge behind the IPC educational services classes for these future employees. I was told that AI was originally used in the oil exploration industry to col- lect all the knowledge from engineers on how they selected fields to drill for oil. This was before modern electronic scanners and computer programs. There were many folks who were retiring, and that industry wanted to collect their knowledge for the new engi- neers. It is time to collect PCB design, fab- rication, assembly, and test information and transfer the knowledge to the next genera- tion via these classes. Keynote speakers gave engaging presenta- tions. They always provide a fresh perspec- tive on business and life—though my favorite will always be William Shatner from a few years ago. I have often found it interesting that some speakers do not have a college degree. They have initiative and a hunger to participate while not being afraid to learn from mistakes. Congratulations to Summit on their IPC award. They deserved it, not just due to their rapid growth but also for their continued commitment to the industry, including their support for standards development and training new entrants. I look forward to next year's event in Ana- heim, where I can see the progress made in new innovations, technologies, and stan- dards. S&T Dana Korf is the principal consultant at Korf Consultancy LLC, and an I-Connect007 columnist. To read his columns, click here.

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