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128 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE Newcomers' Networking Reception by Barb Hockaday • I-Connect007 O ne of the more enjoyable aspects of the Anaheim Convention Cen- ter is attending a reception on one of the outdoor terraces. On Monday evening at IPC APEX EXPO 2024, the Newcomers' Welcome Reception on the Pacific Terrace was packed with first-timers, including a number of young engineers. (This year, nearly 1,100 first-timers registered to attend IPC APEX EXPO.) Appetizers, beer, and wine were served, while newcomers mingled with returning attend- ees, exhibitors, and IPC staff. There were so many good conversations going on that peo- ple stayed even after the bar was closed. Not only is this event an important opportu- nity for those new to the industry or IPC APEX EXPO 2024, but it is also a great way for us who've been around for a while to make new connections, especially with young people just starting their careers in the circuit board industry. They are eager to engage in con- versations, talking about their new careers or preparation to enter the job market. To learn more about getting your name out there and possibly becoming part of the I-Connect007 Young Professionals or Job Seeker series, please email barb@icon- Barb Hockaday is business development manager for I-Connect007.

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