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6 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE By Michelle Te • I-Connect007 "Around here, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, open- ing up new doors and doing new things … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." — Walt Disney W elcome to Real Time With… IPC APEX EXPO Show & Tell Magazine, the exclusive review of the biggest electronics manufacturing trade show and technical conference in North America. As the electronics manufacturing indus- try geared up for IPC APEX EXPO 2024, we found ourselves echoing Walt Disney's senti- ment. This annual event was a captivating journey into the heart of innovation, collab- oration, and cutting-edge technology. Inside these pages you'll find: 1. Trade show insights: Dive into insightful articles that highlight the many activities dur- ing the show, from standards development committee meetings and highly technical sessions, to relevant keynote addresses and reviews by industry professionals of the lat- est technologies unveiled during the show. 2. Award winners' spotlight: We're featuring several audio interviews with the trailblaz- ing award winners in each of the selected Unveiling the Magic of IPC APEX EXPO Welcome

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