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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 167 Soroosh particularly enjoyed the keynote address by Dr. John W. Mitchell, president and CEO of IPC, as well as an opportunity to meet with him. Of course, win- ning Best Student Poster was a highlight. Both students are eager to finish their doctoral studies and enter the industry, where they can see the practical applications of their research and observe it in the real world. Palash would like to get a full-time position as a reliability engineer or failure analysis engineer. Soroosh said that in the current era of artificial intelligence and rapid technological advancements "there is a sig- nificant and growing demand for electronics products," which positions industry at the forefront of global development trends. For students considering a career in elec- tronics manufacturing, Palash said he sees "tremendous growth potential since the technology is constantly advancing, and the number of products and users of those products is rapidly increasing." It also pro- vides a versatile career path with a variety of engineering majors: mechanical, chemical, electrical, and computer science. "For these reasons, entering the electronics industry is a great option for students as it is a lucrative field with high growth prospects." Congratulations to Palash and Soroosh for winning the Best Student Poster Award. S&T Soroosh's Interview Elijah Facio, Engineer, Quantic Omega-Ticer Elijah, what's your impression of your first IPC APEX EXPO? It's been a great experience to meet with all kinds of people and companies. We work in materials at Quantic- Ticer, and it's been great to see how our companies work together from materials to lamination at the PCB manu- facturer. I got to talk to engineers and network with them. Tell me more about your company. We make copper and thin film-embedded resistors on our copper foil. This is done through a sputtering or plat- ing process between nickel chromium and nickel phos- phorus, and depending on the applications the compa- nies need it for—like heaters or EMAG absorbers—our resistive material works perfectly as a heater element. Well said, Elijah, thank you. Interview by Marcy LaRont Elijah Facio FROM THE

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