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28 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE Congratulations to Pierre-Jean Albrieux, who received the 2024 IPC Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame Award. The award is given to individuals in recognition of the highest level of achievement, extraordinary contributions, and distinguished service to IPC and toward the advancement of the in- dustry, including helping to create a spirit of mutual esteem, respect, and recognition among members consistent with the goals and mis- sion of IPC. This is the highest level of recognition that IPC can give to an individual and is based on ex- ceptional merit over the long term. Pierre-Jean is president of IFTEC, a specialized training center in France for the manufacturing of printed circuit boards. It was founded by his father in 1967, and he owns the company with his brother Philippe. His children help run the company: Jonathan is the CEO, and Cecile is the administrative and financial director. In this interview, Marcy LaRont talks with Pierre-Jean to learn more about his company, his connection with IPC, and how he feels about receiving this honor. IPC Raymond E. Pritchard Hall of Fame Award Pierre-Jean Albrieux

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