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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 89 this event has matured. This includes the show floor, the design and fab meetings, the ability of senior management in all segments of the industry to discuss and plan for the future, and the valuable assets provided to assist those just entering the industry. IPC APEX EXPO has matured into far more than a trade show. For example, on Tues- day, the show floor was full, and many were watching live demos and looking at new products and processes. But by Wednesday, it was far less so. Why? Perhaps because the trade show floor, as fascinating as much of it is, then had to compete with the vari- ous technical conference presentations, IPC committee meetings, and other highly inter- esting workshops. There were also panel discussions, keynote speeches, and discus- sions with suppliers, customers, competi- tors, industry experts, and so much more. Because of these, the networking opportuni- ties at this event are seemingly endless. I attended two presentations by Dr. John W. Mitchell, president and CEO of IPC. At the early morning Hall of Fame breakfast, John took part in our discussions. Later, he addressed a more general audience with his keynote about the future of the human workforce. It is encouraging to see his sup- port for students looking to join the industry. I'm sure this was just one of his many pre- sentations on the subject. Overall, I was quite impressed with the full industry coverage, valuable side meetings and presentations, committee and plan- ning sessions, opportunities for students and women in the industry, and the expansive show floor. As soon as the show was over, I was already putting it on my calendar for next year. Those of us who helped get this event started so many years ago should and do feel proud of what has been and will be accomplished. See you March 18–20, 2025, and in the years to come. Thank you, IPC, for making this happen and for fertilizing its growth. S&T Dan Feinberg is a technical editor and columnist for I-Connect007 and founder of Fein-Lines Associates. To read past columns, click here. Tell me about your poster. Stencil application of thermal interface material. It's something we've been working on and developing the process. We've had a lot of lessons learned, so we thought it would be good to share, and maybe we would get some feedback and some knowledge sharing from other organizations that are doing similar work. What advice would you give others doing a poster? Do it. Start early. Just give yourself some time and the process was pretty straightforward. Interview by Dylan Nguyen Tana Soffa FROM THE

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