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176 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE by Barry Matties • I-Connect007 Many hands make light work, and this has never been truer than in the case of I-Con- nect007's IPC APEX EXPO 2024 coverage. Our work starts well before the event as we plan the preshow coverage, booth design, interview schedule, and show coverage. During the show, we produced over 80 Real Time With… IPC APEX EXPO 2024 video interviews. Not only did we produce the interviews, but we also trained STEM student Cardin Nguyen to manage and operate one of our two video stations. Alongside Cardin was Edy Yu, who gave him expert guidance, while Mike Radogna took care of Station 2, as he has done for many years. Michelle Te, managing editor of IPC Community and our columnist coordinator, greeted each guest as they arrived for their interviews. Bryson Matties managed the entire video operation from setup to output, along with all the technology in the booth. Those who participated in interviews watched firsthand the power of teamwork and good processes. In front of the cameras, not only did we have I-Connect007 managing editors Nolan Johnson and Marcy LaRont conducting interviews, but we also invited several guest editors to take part in conducting interviews. This list included Kelly Dack, Henry Crandall, Dan Beaulieu, Evan Howard, Emily Lamport, Mitchell Benson, Gabriel Zepeda, and Jordan Mandel. Frank Bevans of FB Photography once again joined our team to provide show attendees with complimentary headshots at the I-Con- nect007 booth. If you've had a photoshoot Many Hands Make Light Work

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