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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 131 EV Electronics In the afternoon, attention shifted to the topic of electric vehicles. This session was titled "EV Electronics: Design, Manufactur- ing, and Reliability Challenges," and included two topical sessions selected by a Technical Program Committee of EV industry experts chaired by Dr. Stanton Rak. The goal of the session was to promote open dialogue and collective problem-solv- ing to advance the e-mobility industry. Lenora Clark, director of autono- mous driving and safety tech- nology at MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions, mod- erated the first topic, "PCBA Reliability and Test for EV Applications." They discussed high-voltage test and reliability, solder and Ag-sintering material reliability, high-voltage PCB failure mechanisms, and testing protection materials. Then, Dr. Udo Welzel, senior expert at Rob- ert Bosch GmbH, moderated a panel titled "EV Power Electronics Design and Manufac- turability." Speakers represented companies such as Semikron Danfoss, Robert Bosch, Zestron, Indium Corporation, MicroTek, and TRUMPF. Topics included high current and high voltage connections with PCB, laser welding for busbars, power electronics, and more. Following this special session, I vis- ited with Stan Rak, who shared his reaction to the special session. In his interview, he discusses the importance of addressing exceptional requirements for electric vehicle electronics in the electronics manufacturing industry. He emphasizes the need for standardization, design rules, and efficiency to benefit the industry. Rak highlights challenges in test- ing new materials, meeting high voltage and thermal requirements, and the slow process of developing standards. As we talked, Rak identified collaboration among stakeholders as crucial, but said this process is hindered by differing paces of progress and hesitancy to openly discuss quality and reliability issues. S&T Stan Rak Interview

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