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64 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE IPC APEX EXPO 2024 wrapped up Thursday, April 11, and what a week it was! Despite some protestations about leaving San Diego and missing the Gaslamp District after hours, for most of us, Anaheim did not disappoint. Our I-Connect007 team hit the ground run- ning early on Friday the week before the show. As our studio booth went up in Hall D and the show floor began to take shape, IPC standards committee meetings had already started, followed by professional develop- ment and technical sessions that took us through the remainder of the week. In the evenings, several groups were celebrated, starting with Emerging Engineers on Satur- day and newcomers and Electronics World Circuits Convention members on Monday evening, rounding things out with a buffet and panel discussion for Women in Elec- tronics on Tuesday. Personally, I love the energy of trade shows, but if given a choice, I will spend my time in professional development and speaker ses- sions. I attended three PD sessions, one each on 3D printing, AI, and substrates—essential issues for our industry that I will continue to follow closely. The technical sessions were likely without parallel this year. IPC hosting ECWC16 as part of IPC APEX EXPO 2024 provided access to technical expertise from the world over. Access to world leaders in manufacturing process technology is crucial. The I-Connect007 booth remained busy throughout the show. Hopefully, you were one of the many who stopped by and saw first-hand our two active video camera sta- tions in operation all day, with my colleagues and some young guest editors interviewing over 80 customers, presenters, and guests of the show throughout the three days. Our production team, led by Bryson Matties, is without parallel. They have my extreme gratitude for their abilities and for making the rest of us look good during trade show by Marcy LaRont Feeling the Trade Show Energy Show Review

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