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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 65 season and the rest of the year. Our team provided a warm welcome to booth visitors, greeting interviewees and meeting with cus- tomers and friends. Frank Bevan's headshot photo booth was busy from the opening of the show on Tuesday morning until the "last call" on Thursday afternoon, a service appre- ciated by everyone who participated. Wednesday evening was punctuated with private parties put on by vendors per IPC rules and regulations at venues such as House of Blues. Certainly one of the most fun parts of any trade show is the networking. I really enjoy catching up with old friends and spend- ing some decompressed time together as human beings. What is true remains so. Business will be conducted and P.O.s signed, or we all perish, but relationships matter; people move it all forward. We are fortunate to have an industry full of talented, intelligent and "cool" (in the vernacular of my genera- tion) individuals with whom I enjoy spending time and with whom it is a pleasure to do business when needs align. When the clock struck 2 p.m. Thursday, the booths began to come apart. Folks headed off to the airport, and the energy of IPC APEX EXPO 2024 wound down to a dull roar. The robust 2023-24 trade show season will soon end, but what is certain is that the next 11 months will pass in a flash. IPC APEX EXPO 2025 will be in Anaheim once again, March 15-20, and marks the 25th anniversary of this important trade show event. But for now, here's to 2024 and a great show. S&T Marcy LaRont is managing editor of PCB007 Magazine.

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