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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 91 Vorwald of Collins Aerospace. The discus- sion that ensued both during and after the panel did not disappoint. Highlights included sound advice that was sometimes unex- pected and included the undercurrent of reality that choices have consequences and may make other choices unavailable. McConnell kicked off the discussion with the ultimately practical advice to always max out your 401k matching. Davis encouraged female professionals not to keep putting off having children if it is something they want, as time does eventually run out. She said, "You can do both successfully." Fiet provided an example of how she carves out time with her husband amidst their busy careers, and Vorwald emphasized the importance of making time for your family. Landon spoke about the importance of knowing your personal and professional priorities, including what is most important to you, and setting (and keeping) appropri- ate boundaries. Vorwald finished us off on the wise note that this is not a race. There is time, so take what you need. All panelists answered the question, "When you have had a bad day, what do you do to keep from get- ting emotional at work?" Answers included: Take a break, vent to people you trust, and allow yourself the time to cry or be upset somewhere safe and then regroup. At one point, McConnell raised the issue of the Westinghouse 1943 Guide to Hiring Women, illustrating how far we have come. Among its many offensive and inaccurate statements was, "Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination—one covering female condi- tions. This step not only protects the prop- erty against the possibilities of lawsuit but also reveals whether the employee-to-be has any female weaknesses which would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job." McConnell declared, "Your daughters will have so many opportunities! They will not be told that women don't do math or that it's a man's profession, because you are proving that it's not a matter of smart men or women, but smart, technical people." Thank you to the Women in Electronics panel for their time, contributions, and wise words. S&T

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