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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 97 cleared Final Draft for Industry Review (FDIR) and subsequent unanimous vote by the Hermes Standard Initiative members. The standard is now under vote by an IPC ballot group with publication planned for later this spring. Even though Version 1.6 may be wrap- ping up, the Hermes Messengers A-Team is already getting to work on enhancements for Version 1.7. It's a Node Red! There was a lot to discuss during the IPC-CFX Standard Task Group meeting at APEX EXPO. Since IPC released IPC-CFX, Version 1.7 last year, the Plug & Players A-Team has been hard at work on significant updates to the standard for a Version 2.0 release planned for later this year. In addition to many of the more "routine" enhancements we typically see in IPC-CFX version updates, the A-Team is actively working on several significant updates that will comprise Version 2.0. These include the addition of capabilities and mes- sages for wave soldering, hand soldering stations, and dispensers; support for AGVs/ AMRs; an IPC-CFX implementation guide; and help documentation for coders who want to propose new capabilities or mes- sages for IPC-CFX but don't quite under- stand the process for posting pull requests for A-Team review. The A-Team is also closing in on an open- source solution for factories to implement CFX on existing equipment. Built upon the Raspberry Pi concept IPC demonstrated at APEX EXPO 2023, the solution would utilize Node Red as a way to send and receive CFX messages in a standards-compliant way. Task group members also learned about a project underway with the Data Detectives A-Team investigating what data are needed from machines, the CFX messages that sup- port the data, and how it can be used in the factory. Get Secure Released just over a year ago, IPC-1792, Standard for the Management and Mitiga- tion of Cybersecurity Incidents in the Manu- facturing Industry Supply Chain, establishes requirements for companies to provide assurances their products have been manu- factured in cybersecure environments as well as a mechanism for reporting incidents through the supply chain. The concept of this standard is somewhat revolutionary in Task groups are individuals who review draft documents for commenting, provide consensus resolutions to comments, and can volunteer to vote on publication of standards. These groups are open to anyone to participate. A-Teams are smaller, highly active working groups within task groups that do things such as develop draft standards for comment by the task group. These teams are only open to individuals who will actively contribute to the standards project.

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