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98 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE that, similar to the IPC-1782 traceability stan- dard, when utilized, companies can quickly and accurately identify affected product and quickly communicate the issue to the affected members of the supply chain. Because the standard is still somewhat new in the industry, the Cybersecurity Protec- tion Standard Task Group shared during its meeting that the "Cyber Key Holders" A-Team is developing a white paper that will guide companies on how to implement the standard within their facilities and through their supply chain. In addition to the white paper, the A-Team is also working on an amendment to IPC-1792 which will provide additions for a JSON description and archi- tectural concepts for Digital Certificates to ensure best implementation of the standard. Digitize This To further support industry implementa- tion of digital twin using IPC-2551, Interna- tional Standard for Digital Twins, the Generic Requirements for Digital Twin Task Group has been working on building out additional standards to support the data needed to feed the digital twin beast. Following the lines of IPC/DAC-2552, Gen- eral Electronic Components Model-Based Definition (MBD) Standard, which provides a model-based definition data format for components, the task group has been dis- cussing how to replicate that MBD concept and format and apply it to printed board assemblies, equipment on the shop floor, etc., to support all the data elements that would support a digital twin. During discussions by this task group, as well as others held during the Digital Sustain- ability Credentials Standard Task Group and Critical Components Traceability Task Group, it was quite evident that as these stan- dards expand, now is the time to reassess all of them to ensure there is no overlap of requirements or functional aspects of their implementation. These groups also saw the need to include the task groups responsible for IPC's materials declaration standards. As a result, we are forming an A-Team to get a full view of all the data fields called out in the Factory of the Future standards and how data elements from the materials declaration standards feed into those fields. The planned result will be a full understanding of how that ecosystem of standards work together. The work of this new A-Team will be essential for efficient and consistent standards being released for industry. Inspect That Just a year ago, the Automated Optical Inspection Process Control Standard Task Group was approved to develop a long- overdue standard for process control for automated optical inspection of printed board assemblies. Their goal was to have a standard released for industry in 18 months, and it looks like they will land that plane. Starting with a blank sheet of paper, the Her- cule A-Team met weekly through the start of Chris Jorgensen is director of IPC technology transfer.

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