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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 103 upcoming release of the eighth edition of the PCB Handbook (proof that no one in this industry actually retires) along with stories of his early days building PCBs. That eve- ning, I had the honor of participating in the Women in Electronics panel about balanc- ing work and home life. This fully attended event was hosted by IPC Hall of Famer Karen McConnell, who led a productive discussion on how women's workforce needs are dif- ferent than men's and how those needs may change throughout one's career. These criti- cal conversations help to shape the diversi- fying landscape as we edge into new territories. I look forward to continuing the discussion beyond the conference center into my personal and profes- sional life. By Thursday, I may have been exhausted but there was so much more to do. I started by attending two Technical Con- ference sessions focused on PCB manufacturing and reli- ability. Each presentation taught me something I hope to bring back to my company. This year's Technical Conference was top- notch with nine technical tracks and two special sessions. There was a lot of knowledge shared by industry experts regarding their research. Another highlight of IPC APEX EXPO was the opportunity to meet with old and new friends alike. I love to hear stories of adventurous vacations or see pictures of new grandchildren during annual meetups with colleagues. These face-to-face interactions help remind me of the person behind the screens. Since the pandemic, I have valued these personal interactions more than ever. Thank you to those who worked hard to make IPC APEX EXPO happen. I am already looking forward to IPC APEX EXPO 2025. S&T Paige Fiet is a process engineer at TTM-Logan, in the IPC Emerging Engineer Program, and an I-Connect007 columnist. To read her columns, click here. Paige with Happy Holden.

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