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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 115 AI to create something that a human would not create. DuBravac emphasized that AI could be useful as a tool to create things that don't exist within human bounds. Rather than try to replace what humans already do, Shy Kids shows how AI can be used dif- ferently: While there is still human work involved, it is a different kind of work. His data shows both an increase and decrease in the use of electronics. For example, while wearable technology is putting electronics in more places, tech- nological advance- ments in automo- biles are decreasing the number of wires overall. He warned against the dangers of what he called "narrow predictions" or mak- ing specific assump- tions about the future of the indus- try. He emphasized a focus on things that seem impossible rather than what's already happening. To fully take advan- tage of innovative technology, business leaders must think longer and deeper about the future by planning more than just a year out. Lastly, he challenged his audience to incorpo- rate AI into their work in whatever way that might be. While we might not fully under- stand the extent of AI, familiarizing ourselves and becoming fluent with the technology means we can be better prepared for the future. S&T Dylan Nguyen is an engineering student at Oregon State University.

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