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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 135 Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies, and IPC-A-610G, Acceptability of Electronic Assemblies. Michael Schleicher of Semikron-Danfoss began by walking through existing, new, and emerging assembly and interconnect meth- ods for EV power. Richard Davis of TRUMPF shared laser application trends and meth- ods for qualifying welds. Thomas Gottwald of Schweitzer Electronic discussed how embedded power is being used to increase efficiency, sharing that while their objective was to miniaturize, they achieved better heat dissipation, among other benefits. Zhiman Chen of CRRC concluded the panel by cov- ering the similar challenges of rail and EVs, including increasing power, greater concern over currents, and greater power density. A common theme was the EV-specific cus- tomization of approach to challenges in the development of standards and solutions, whether testing, manufacturing, or design. There are many solutions and approach options available within this customization. During the second panel discussing power electronics, Gottwald encouraged us to "look at the full system" to reduce power losses, while the PCB panel suggested we look at materials and bonding systems to optimize results. Whether reducing power losses or optimizing test and manufactur- ing for reliability, the panelist presentations encouraged looking at the full spectrum of conditions for each application. Another key message resonating from most of the presentations was that it is both dif- ficult and unsustainable within the EV supply base to run OEM-specific tests following the wide range of OEM-specific approaches. "It's an enormous waste of resources and subject matter expert capacity to do this individu- ally in a bilateral agreement," Welzel said. "We need to come to standards to harmo- nize the requirements for the automotive supply chain. Only in this way can we really accelerate innovation and come to a more understanding-based design." He encour- aged a unified design-for-reliability approach to ensure the best use of talent, reduced cost, improved quality, and achievement of related sustainability goals. Following the session, several participants met to share their interest in a charging sta- tion design for a reliability project led by members of IPC's e-Mobility Quality and Reliability Advisory Council (EVQR). The special session was developed with the sup- port of the EVQR and closely aligns with the council's mission to help deliver e-mobility quality, reliability, and safety while protecting the drive for innovation. For more informa- tion on EVQR activities, please click here. S&T Tracy Riggan is senior director of IPC business development and solutions.

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