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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 149 Combine High Placement Productivity with Consistent Reliability for Growing Production Volumes To handle the demands of more complex products, diversified production, and shorter delivery times, high-mix producers need to significantly raise their placement productiv- ity while maintaining the highest precision and quality. Boosted by the new MX7 mounthead, the MYPro A40 placement machine delivers an outstanding 59,000 CPH throughput, giv- ing high-mix manufacturers the productivity and peak speed they need to meet aggressive production schedules. Have the Versatility to Cope With the ExpandingDiversity of Components e wider the range of components your place- ment system can handle, the faster, more versa- tile, and more cost-effective your production pro- cess will be. is is why each nozzle of the MX7 individually picks, rotates, and places, allowing the high-speed mounthead to place the widest range of components in the industry. In fact, the MX7 mounthead mounts chip components as small as 01005 (0.4 × 0.2 mm), large BGAs, and components as large as 150 × 40 × 15 mm. Create a User-friendly Graphical Interface for Efficient Operation and Faster Training A high-mix platform is only as efficient as its operator. When human-machine interaction is clear and straightforward, with uncomplicated, step-by-step touchscreen guidance, the most relevant process data becomes more visible and actionable. e MYPro A40 is equipped with a new graphical user interface (GUI) for more natural, fluid interaction with the operator. is intuitive GUI makes both training operators and running the pick-and-place smoother—and more error-proof—than ever before. Have Extreme Flexibility With the Shortest Changeover Time e performance and responsiveness of a high- mix electronics manufacturer depends on its ability to switch from one production run to another as quickly and efficiently as possible. Today, changeovers should be completed in minutes, from feeder and program loading to production start-up. Mycronic's unique Agilis™ feeders with no moving parts are easier and quicker to load than any alternative and enable the shortest changeover time on the market. Live Process Control for Optimized Performance Pick-and-place production data is extremely valuable if used properly. Live KPIs enable production engineers to quickly spot any per- formance dri. An advanced dashboard gives them the actionable information they need to increase utilization, reduce reject rates, and improve line balancing in real-time. With live component misspick and reject analysis, MYCenter Analysis makes it possible to diag- nose root causes before the problems multiply. 1 2 4 5 3 Mycronic is a global high-tech company that develops, manufactures, and markets production equipment that meets the electronics industry's highest expectations for precision, flexibility, and efficiency.

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