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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 171 • Sharon Ventress taught MIL-STD-2000 training at Redstone Arsenal, and when J-STD-001 started taking off, became a part of the training discussions and was editor for the J-STD-001B Generic Solder Training program. • Jim Raby (now deceased) was a mentor and teacher to many committee members, providing expertise to help them understand the "why" behind requirements. • Pat Scott, STI Electronics, has extensive experience as a trainer. She has participated in numerous development projects and hosted beta courses for several certification programs. She has co-chaired the J-STD- 001 and 7711-21 Training Committees. The nominations are sent to the Nomination Selection Committee (a group of committee member volunteers), and they score the nominations. This is done without knowing who else is on the selection committee. T he results are tallied, and the winners are identified. The nominees for the four awards were: • Robert Cooke, NASA Johnson Space FlightCenter • Thomas Marktscheffel, ASMPT GmbH & Co. KG • Helena Pasquito, EPTAC • Milea Kammer, Honeywell International • Timothy Pearson, Collins Aerospace • Scott Bowles, Lockheed Martin Space • Chris Mahanna, Robisan Laboratories • Catherine Hanlin, Precision Manufacturing Company Committee Leader of the Year, Kessler-Goldman Award: Milea Kammer, Honeywell International Criteria for the award: • Open and fair in comment resolution • Inspired others to work collaboratively and creatively • Encouraged participation and mentored others, including international participants and new attendees • Conducted group activities with consistency in attendance and participation • Demonstrated a professional attitude while leading the group • Participated actively on the project A-Team for the group • Made standards development activities fun • Provide examples of how the leader went above and beyond to get the job done • Provide examples of how the leader was schedule- and results-driven Committee Member of the Year, Hillman-Lambert Award: Thomas Marktscheffel, ASMPT GmbH & Co. KG Criteria for the award: • Made a significant contribution to the project completed during the nomination period Thomas Marktscheffel accepting award.

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