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44 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE into this for the audience and make the audience part of this experience. Matties: Dylan has been really active in FIRST Robotics throughout his high school career. They went to the nationals. How important is robotics? What do you think about AI, and where do you see AI entering the picture? Bailey: I think we'll definitely see more robotics. I've seen R&D's new walking robots on Instagram, and I can't wait to see them in person. I think that just looks so cool from the outside. There's technology for technol- ogy's sake, like Smell-O-Vision, and then there's technology where you just lose all sense that it's technology. Morgan Pope and Tony Dohi at Imagineering R&D have been working on a rabbit character that tumbles on stage—you can find it on YouTube. They focused on a character that wasn't about keeping itself up; it was about falling and being able to recover from the fall, which is where you see the vulnerability of the char- acter. It's a great example of where they're infusing technology with humanism and empathy. I think this is where the future is, and you'll start to see more personality. Matties: When you look at an industry like electronics manufacturing, I think there are a lot of leaders who don't understand what you are talking about with regard to leader- ship. Bailey: Sure. I think that's universal. Part of my personal soapbox is to help spread the mindset that we need a little bit more kind- ness overall. Matties: How do you create a culture mes- sage for a company? What advice would you give to someone who's looking to change the culture in their company? Bailey: It goes back to my keynote speech: Just focus on the people. Don't be a jerk; treat people the way you want to be treated yourself. Nobody will remember you for your job; they'll remember you for being a good parent or a good friend. Nguyen: That's great. Thank you so much for your time. Bailey: I enjoyed it. Thank you all. S&T

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