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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 55 Lothar Henneken Maarten Caawe Mandy Krott Lothar's Interview based on material choices, resin, and copper balancing in the design. The research aims to guide PCB fabricators in improving design quality and early quality control measures. The predictability of thickness variations based on measuring both sides of the board was discussed, highlighting the importance of modeling and verification. The collabora- tive effort involved multiple PCB fabricators worldwide, with a focus on applications for the industry. Lothar Henneken Lothar Henneken, Ph.D., senior expert at Robert Bosch GmbH, won top honors for "Humidity Robustness of Electronic Control Units—The Hidden Factor Solder Resist." In this interview, Lothar discusses his research into the need for improved stan- dards for solder mask usage in EV applica- tions and shines a spotlight on areas for improvement of overall quality for outside environments. Mandy Krott The NextGen best paper was awarded to Mandy Krott of Robert Bosch GmbH. Her paper is titled "Crack Formation in Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Printed Circuit Boards After Thermal Stage." All technical conference papers were evalu- ated on their technical content, originality, test procedures, and data used to deduce conclusions, quality of illustrations, and the clarity and professionalism of writing as well as value to the industry. S&T Maarten Caawe Maarten Caawe, Ph.D., an R&D team leader at imec, received top honors for his paper, "A Parametric Approach to Quantifyiing the Environmental Impact of PCB Manufactur- ing." His co-authors are Geert Willems, Ph.D., imec, and Eddy Geerinckx, ACB.

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