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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 71 In his next key point, Mitchell discussed the importance of investing in people the same way we invest in equipment, saying, "Our company's success is our people." Invest- ing, in the context of people, refers to train- ing. He addressed concerns about training employees, specifically how much time you should invest in them. What happens when they leave? He stressed that supporting and investing in employees comes first, as well as being careful about "burning bridges" when people do leave. Keeping these con- nections allows for people to possibly come back while also influencing others to come. He also introduced the idea of gamification, the process of making skill development more like a game. Games are milestone- based, incentivized, and competitive. In gamification, skill development incentives are given based on certain milestones that reward constant growth and learning. Taking specific courses in certain skills would allow individuals to acquire new skills faster than through traditional education alone, which would be accelerated with gamification. Mitchell shared insight into the value of company culture, asking, "What are 'A' play- ers looking for in your company culture?" While there is no one perfect type of culture, decisions on the culture of the company will impact who wants to work for it. He breaks down culture into the "Four Bs of High Per- forming Culture": • Bottom line: Ensuring the company's financial viability • Behavior: Establishing acceptable behaviors • Believing: Creating a compelling vision • Belonging: Fostering an inclusive environment To this, he added the importance of hybrid workplaces where possible. Rather than going 100% in-person or 100% remote, a hybrid workplace has been shown to produce happier and more productive employees. In conclusion, Mitchell said teams can thrive by leveraging AI as a tool while concurrently investing in skill development, employee support, and fostering a robust company culture. By delegating mundane tasks to AI, humans can dedicate themselves to improv- ing workplaces and engaging in more cre- ative endeavors. S&T Dylan Nguyen is an engineering student at Oregon State University.

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