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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 83 excellent promise. They each approached this from a different point of view. Where some went right in to get everything placed and start routing, others have been spending more time really focusing on getting their circuits tightly grouped together and mov- ing those groups in and worrying about the routing later." Moyer noted that the skill levels of the competitors continue to rise each year. "They all did exceptionally well this year, just like they have in previous years," Moyer said. "It was really interesting watching their thought processes in action. All our designers were of excellent caliber this year." After the competition ended, Moyer and the other judges went to work. They graded each design employing a set of criteria based on the IPC standards, especially IPC- 2221, IPC-2222, and the IPC-6010 series for fabrication. The names of the winners and runners-up were announced two days later. Dinesh G. came out on top, but Paul Brionez wasn't far behind in second place, and Ajeesh Francis took third place. Some readers may remem- ber Brionez from the 2023 IPC Design Com- petition in San Diego, where he came in third place. Brionez was also featured in the Spring 2024 issue of IPC Community. Moyer said the 2025 IPC Design Competi- tion is going to be "completely different." "We'll have more to say about next year's IPC Design Competition soon," said Moyer. "But it's going to be like none of the previous competitions." First Place: Dinesh G. Second Place: Paul Brionez Third Place: Ajeesh Francis Runners Up: Joseph Chiu, Harish G. Judges: • Kris Moyer, IPC • Steve Roy, L3 Harris • Russell Steiner, Amphenol • Kevin Kusiak and David Caputa, Lockheed Martin • Patrick Crawford, IPC Dinesh Govindarajalu First Place Winner

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