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114 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE Shawn DuBravac: Stay on the Cutting-edge of AI by Dylan Nguyen IPC Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac shared insight into the current and develop- ing world of artificial intelligence, and how industry leaders can stay on the cutting edge to truly harness the power of AI, as the clos- ing keynote address at IPC APEX EXPO 2024 on Thursday. Technology always changes faster than the industry, he said, and we're right at the beginning of a huge industry shift due to artificial intelligence. As business leaders, it's important to consider how AI can be inte- grated into products and services. DuBravac presented examples of products in which different types of artificial intelligence are being applied, describing them in their cur- rent form as small "efficiency gains." He cited examples such as Spotify's text-based music recommendations, more unique user experi- ences, and other household objects like AI Smart mirrors that give personalized mes- sages and notifications. Another interesting application of AI is in making synthetic copies that mimic the like- ness of humans in voice and appearance. It was shocking when DuBravac created a syn- thetic version of himself that spoke a mes- sage in English, then in German, and then in Japanese—each one with his same voice and appearance. He also demonstrated samples of Sora, an AI model developed by OpenAI that uses text prompts to generate short video clips. For example, he showed a short video made by the production company Shy Kids that uses Closing Keynote

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