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20 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE IPC, Dr. John W. Mitchell A Conversation with IPC's CEO: New Venue, Sustainability, and More Barry Matties hosts Dr. John W. Mitchell, CEO of IPC, on the final day of IPC APEX EXPO 2024. They discuss the new venue in Anaheim and broach a range of topics, from traffic and booth experiences to workforce development, sustainability, and the CHIPS Act. John also offers advice for newcomers as IPC looks forward to an even better show experience next year. SCHMID Systems Inc., Robert Ferguson Going Vertical, Advanced Solutions for Printed Circuit Boards SCHMID's technology that provides advanced solutions for PCBs with a vertical no-touch handling system, and the prospect of achieving sub 10-micron lines. SPEA, Luca Fanelli and Andrea Furnari Exploring Electronic Card Testing and AI Integration with SPEA Luca Fanelli, president of SPEA, and Vice President Andrea Furnari discuss the company and its business units. The challenges in testing electronic cards and SPEA's solutions are discussed, as well as its focus on the U.S. market and use of AI in testing.

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