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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 21 IPC, Matt Kelly IPC Focuses on Silicon to Systems Matt Kelly, CTO of IPC, delves into the concept of silicon to systems, touching on IPC's initiatives in design, advanced packaging, and e-mobility. He emphasizes the significance of member engagement and the necessity of obtaining input and feedback with respect to these initiatives, while underscoring the massive task of changing the industry's culture and the expansion of the tech- nical program at IPC APEX EXPO, with a focus on quality content. Super Dry Totech, Jordan Mandel The Latest Advancements in Dry Storage Jordan Mandel, Totech's sales director for North America, introduces the latest developments in dry storage solutions, the J standard, and the ongoing challenge of moisture management while highlighting the industry's shift toward smart solutions and the importance of seeking expert help for moisture mitigation. Technica USA, Frank Medina and Jeff Timms, ASMPT ASMPT and Technica's Successful Partnership and Future Plans Nolan Johnson speaks with Frank Medina and Jeff Timms about the fruitful collaboration between Technica and ASMPT, and the upcoming launch of a machine with enhanced capa- bilities. They also discuss partnerships with semiconductor firms, customer demo plans.

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