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22 I-CONNECT007 I REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2024 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE IPC, Shawn DuBravac Industry Growth, Challenges, and Technological Advancements Editor Nolan Johnson and Shawn Dubravac, IPC chief economist, dive into key industry topics such as growth, challenges, and technological advancements. They discuss shifts in the global competitive landscape, downstream demand, customization, and how AI is enhancing human skills. The industry outlook appears promising for both the short and long term. Zeiss, Herminso Gomez Industrial Quality Solutions While discussing his company's range of microscopy options, Herminso highlights the advantages of X-ray tech- nology for aerospace, medical, and consumer electronics sectors. In addition, Zeiss has recently integrated machine learning to enhance data reconstruction, boosting quality and reducing scanning time. Uyemura, Richard DePoto Final Finishes and IC Substrate Manufacturing Richard DePoto, Uyemura's business development manager, engages in a comprehensive discussion about the benefits of RAIG in final finishes, and the hurdles faced when upgrading your surface finish. He discusses the role of Uyemura's MEC pretreatment agents in IC substrate manufacturing and the importance of collaboration.

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